
Photographic documentation of Fief in the south: Sergio Vaccaro and in the north : Hayal Gezer

Curatorial Text

*an estate of land, especially one held on condition of feudal service; a fee.
*φέουδo, εκτάσεις γης που απαιτούσαν ως αντάλλαγμα πίστη, υποταγή και παροχή ορισμένων υπηρεσιών.
*özellikle feodal hizmet koşuluyla elde tutulan bir toprak mülkü; bir ücret.

During the time of the Venetian occupation in Cyprus, the Rochas bastion belonged to Eugenio Singlitico, the third count of Rocha County. He secured his title by paying a huge sum of money to the 'Most Serene Republic'.' In Cyprus, he owned many villages as a fief, some of which he lost after the death of his wife.

The Roccas bastion is the westernmost of the 11 bastions of the Venetian walls of the old city of Nicosia. For thirty years and to this day, it was the only place on the island where Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots could/can meet, see each other, talk to each other and above all, interact with each other, without having to cross roadblocks (borders?). In fact, at this very point, the buffer zone does not exist: the bastion, simply bordered by a fence, directly dominates over the roundabout of the Paphos Gate and the Markou Drakou Avenue which are located in the Southern, Greek part of the island.

Since the Venetian rule, not much has changed regarding Cypriot land. Georgiou, strongly believe that it is through the power of human relationships, connection and togetherness that we can eliminate any kind of wall, both physical and mental.

As part of the Visual Voices Art residency, Georgiou sent out an open call to both Turkish Cypriots and Greek Cypriots to participate in her performance entitled ''Fief''. She invited people from both sides of the divide to meet for the first time and perform for Fief. As a result, 5 people from the north and 7 people from the south side of the divide joined her in this action. Instructions of the idea of the performance were given on the spot. This action took place simultaneously in Yiğitler Burcu Parkı and on the sidewalk of Markou Drakou Street respectively. Having the metal fence and the wall separating them, the participants were asked to move in the designated areas and freely place themselves in the space. Some people from the groups would deter them by changing their position and their posture. The people that interfered with others peoples' moves

were interchanging between themselves, acting as a metaphor of the external third-party forces and interventions that we often like to believe are the ones influencing the dialogue between the two communities. But is it really ''the others'' that are influencing the dialogue?

Most of us grow up believing that the narratives we were told are the ultimate truth, but it is only through our connection with ''the other'' that we can burst through these myths and narratives. As Cypriots, we tend to live in the microcosm of our respective ''side'', thus forgetting the others'. Finally, it is through small actions as individuals that we can make ''holes in the wall".

Lenia Georgiou
Performance that simultaneously took place in the north and the south of the divide with Turkish Cypriots and Greek Cypriots,
Yiğitler Burcu Parkı / Markou Drakou, Nicosia,Cyprus,
Total duration of the performance: 40'
Video duration: 11'35'' and 7'34''

Alexandros Ioannou Peletie
Andreas Koutsoumbas
Ahmet Özgülen
Claudia Bruno
Erlap Cortaç
Irene Kattou
Mehmetemin Insan Yıldızçoban
Mikaella Chrysostomou
Oya Akin
Özgül Saygun
Stephani Mourouzi
Zoe Polycarpou

Performance coordinator: Lenia Georgiou with the assistance of Oya Akin
Documentation in the north: Hayal Gezer
Documentation in the south: Polymnia Tsinti
Editing: Lenia Georgiou & Polymnia Tsinti
Photographic documentation in the south: Sergio Vaccaro

within the framework of Visual Voices (NGO) residency
Lenia Georgiou © 2020

Press Release (EN)

The art exhibition "Crossing 24/31: I always confuse south to north, north to south" will open to the public on 24 October and will continue until 31 October, 2020 at the Goethe Institute of Cyprus, 21 Markou Drakou, Nicosia.

This exhibition is the result of the three-month peace education residency program organized by the Cyprus based NPO Visual Voices that brings together eleven Greek and Turkish Cypriot visual artists who explored the theme "Media and Nationalist Narratives". This program was supported by the German institute Allianz Kulturstiftung.

The main characteristic of the exhibited artworks is their bold and activist approach to the subject matter. The eleven artists participating in this residency have been selected after applying to the open call published by the organization.

The artists exhibiting their works include: Irini Kattou, Zoe Polykarpou, Ioanna Neophytou, Lenia Georgiou, Nurtane Karagil, Dize Kukrer, Panagiotis Achniotis, Stephanie Lemesianou, Fetine Sel Tüzel, Hayal Gezer, Christina Christofi.

The "Crossing 24/31: I always confuse south to north, north to south" exhibition provides the opportunity to the Cypriot public, from both sides of the divide, to get to know local contemporary artistic creations from the perspective of these eleven artists as well as to observe the messages presented with a critical eye.

The artworks explore and narrate the personal experiences and reflections of the artists in a unique, creative way. At the same time, they seek to promote positive social change and support peace both in Cyprus and internationally.

Marina Neophytou, co-founder of the organization states that "as an organization, we believe that young, visual artists are key communicators with the power to encourage dialogue in their communities and highlight the critical social challenges that limit deeper understanding, cooperation and positive peace."

It is important to note that the three-month residency took place at a time where movement restrictions between the two sides of the divide were very strict and limited. This however has not hindered communication and cooperation between the artists. Neophytou continues, "We all had to put extra energy and determination to make this work and some of the art pieces are a testament to these new conditions and hopes. Each artwork begins with the individual but speaks directly to society, while maintaining its universal significance."

Visual Voices is a non-profit organization that supports young artists from communities affected by violent conflicts. Their goal is to promote the creation of contemporary art that addresses the need for positive social change and to build space for these ideas.


Press Release (GR)
Η έκθεση «Crossing 24/31: Ialwaysconfusesouthtonorth, northtosouth» θα ανοίξει στις 24 Οκτωβρίου και θα συνεχιστεί μέχρι τις 31 Οκτωβρίου 2020 στο Ινστιτούτου Γκαίτε Κύπρου, Μάρκου Δράκου 21, 1102, Λευκωσία.

Πρόκειται για μια μοναδική πρωτοβουλία απο το ΜΚΟ Visual Voices, με έδρα την Κύπρο, που έφερε μαζί έντεκα αναδυόμενους, Κύπριους εικαστικούς, μέσα από το τριμηνιαίου προγράμματος φιλοξενίας του, για να διερευνήσουν μαζί το θέμα "ΜΜΕ και Εθνικιστικές αφηγήσεις". Το πρόγραμμα υποστηρίχθηκε από το Γερμανικό ινστιτούτο Allianz Kulturstiftung. Το κύριο χαρακτηριστικό των έργων που φιλοξενούνται είναι η τολμηρή και ακτιβιστική τους προσέγγιση στο θέμα.

Οι έντεκα καλλιτέχνες έχουν επιλεγεί μετά την υποβολή αίτησης τους στην ανοικτή πρόσκληση συμμετοχής στο προγραμμα που δημοσίευσαι ο οργανισμός. Οι δημιουργοί που θα εκθέσουν τα έργα τους περιλαμβάνουν τους: Ειρήνη Κάττου, Ζωή Πολυκάρπου, Ιωάννα Νεοφύτου, Λένια Γεωργίου, Νουρτανέ Καραγκίλ, Ντιζέ Κουκρέρ, Παναγιώτης Αχνιώτης, Στέφανη Λεμεσιανού, Φετινέ Σελ Ντουζέλ, Χαγάλ Γκεζέρ, Χριστίνα Χριστοφή.

Η έκθεση «Crossing 24/31: I always confuse south to north, north to south» δίνει την ευκαιρία στο κυπριακό και διεθνής κοινό να γνωρίσει την σύγχρονη καλλιτεχνική δημιουργία από την προοπτική αυτών των έντεκα καλλιτεχνών ως καθώς και να παρατηρήσει τα μηνύματα που παρουσιάζονται με κριτικό μάτι.

Τα έργα τέχνης διερευνούν και αφηγούνται τις προσωπικές εμπειρίες και αντανακλάσεις των καλλιτεχνών με ένα μοναδικό και δημιουργικό τρόπο. Παράλληλα επιδιώκουν να προωθήσουν θετικές κοινωνικές αλλαγές και την υποστηριξη της ειρήνη τόσο στην Κύπρο όσο και διεθνώς.

Η Μαρίνα Νεοφύτου, συνιδρύτρια του οργανισμού δηλώνει ότι "ως οργανισμός, πιστεύουμε ότι οι νέοι, εικαστικοί καλλιτέχνες είναι βασικοί επικοινωνιακοί φορείς με τη δύναμη να ενθαρρύνουν τον διάλογο στις κοινότητές τους και να επισημάνουν κρίσιμες κοινωνικές προκλήσεις που περιορίζουν τη βαθύτερη κατανόηση, τη συνεργασία και τη θετική ειρήνη".

Είναι σημαντικό να σημειωθεί ότι το residency πραγματοποιήθηκε σε μια περίοδο όπου οι περιορισμοί διακίνησης από τα οδοφράγματα ήταν πολύ αυστηροί και περιορισμένοι. Ωστόσο, αυτό δεν εμπόδισε την επικοινωνία και τη συνεργασία μεταξύ των καλλιτεχνών. Η Νεοφύτου συνεχίζει, "Όλοι μας είμασταν αποφασισμένοι να κάνουμε αυτό το έργο πραγματικότητα παρόλες αυτές τις νέες, δύσκολες συνθήκες. Κάθε έργο τέχνης ξεκίνισε με το άτομο αλλά μιλάει απευθείας στην κοινωνία, διατηρώντας παράλληλα την καθολική του και επίκαιρη του σημασία."

Το Visual Voices είναι ένας μη κερδοσκοπικός οργανισμός που υποστηρίζει νέους καλλιτέχνες από κοινότητες που πλήττονται από βίαιες συγκρούσεις. Ο στόχος τους είναι να προωθήσουν τη δημιουργία της σύγχρονης τέχνης που αντιμετωπίζει την ανάγκη για θετική κοινωνική αλλαγή και να χτίσει χώρο για αυτές τις ιδέες.

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